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Η MIS Academy και η εταιρεία NΕΓΡΙΝ ΙΝ Dental σας προσκαλούν στο OFFLINE Webinar με ομιλητή τον Dr. Bruno Kraft και θέμα “Natural approach in full-arch implant rehabilitation – Improve your clinical results by using simple and predictable actions”.
⇒ Για να παρακολουθήσετε το webinar, πατήστε τον σύνδεσμο: https://vimeo.com/984233633/4efb762da8
In recent years, many reviews that talk about implant-supported prostheses have been published and nowadays, this kind of rehabilitation is fully accepted as a reliable treatment.
However, in daily clinical practice, patient and clinician’s satisfaction is not being measured by survival rates. Despite the high survival rate of implant-supported prostheses and substantial improvements within implant dentistry over time, esthetic, biologic, and technical complications are still frequent.
The challenge today is not to prove functionality, but rather to develop simple and cost-effective protocols, ensuring long term success, which many times increase chair time and other resources. In this webinar, I would like to present some tips and tricks that will assist you to increase those survival rates and reduce your patients chair time significantly.
Σύντομο βιογραφικό του Dr. Kraft
Formal Education
1997 – 2000 Dental Technician (Credit Hours: 3256h), Colégio Estadual do Paraná – CEP/PR, Brazil;
1999 – 2003 Graduation in Dentistry, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, PUC/PR, Brazil
2004 – 2005 Specialization in Dental Prosthesis (Credit Hours: 864h), University of Sao Paulo. FOB-USP, Brazil
2017 – 2019 Master’s in Dentistry (Credit Hours: 960h), Latin American Institute of Dental Research and Education, ILAPEO/PR, Brazil
2020 – 2022 Doctor in Dentistry/Dental Prosthesis (Credit Hours: 960h), Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, PUC/PR, Brazil
Professional Experience
2003 – Present Private practice in Dental Office. Owner of the clinic Bruno Kraft cosmetic dentistry;
2004 – Present Private practice in Dental Lab. Owner of Parana Prosthesis Dental Lab;
2019–2021 Professor in dental prosthesis specialization course of the Brazilian association of dentistry. ABO/PR;
2020–Present Professor in dental prosthesis specialization course of the São Leopoldo Mandic. Curitiba/PR.